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当前,我国正处于新冠肺炎疫情防控最吃劲的关键时期,同时也是交通运输综合执法改革深入推进的攻坚阶段。面对疫情防控的严峻考验,交通运输综合执法能力的既有短板与疫情防控中暴露出的新问题相互交织,提升交通运输综合执法能力显得十分紧迫而必要。为此,采用文献调查、访谈研究和实证分析等方法,总结了抗击疫情期间的交通运输执法状况,分析了疫情防控对交通运输综合执法能力建设带来的挑战,从完善执法工作机制、提升专业处置能力、严格规范执法行为、创新执法方式方法、强化执法作风建设、建立法律服务体系、强化执法保障等七个方面,就提升交通运输综合执法能力提出了对策建议。  相似文献   
气动弹簧在绞吸挖泥船低频振动控制中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对绞吸挖泥船铰刀旋转切削岩石时产生的低频振动问题,基于气动弹簧的结构形式、受力分析及固有频率低的特点,研究气动弹簧在绞吸挖泥船上的应用方案,并利用船体和生活楼的位移反馈信号控制气动弹簧减振系统的工作状态,同时还介绍了船舶设计过程中需注意的问题。  相似文献   
普速铁路的客运市场可以分为公益性与盈利性两种,区分这两种服务有利于兼顾公平与盈利目标.本文在转运模型的基础上,提出了分离可调配客票管理策略,即在车票预售期开始分别为公益性与普通运输市场分配一定的席位,在发车前(24 h)可以将未售出的公益性客票调配到盈利性市场销售.该策略考虑公益性运输需求的最低服务水平约束与列车能力约束.解析解显示该策略与公益优先的系统目标激励相容,即企业会自发选择高水平的公益性客票供给.算例结果显示该策略能够同时提高公益性需求服务水平与单位客票收入.  相似文献   
文章分析了某散货轮在试航中主机多次出现因滑油低压而报警停车的故障现象,并将该故障出现的原因及排除过程进行了总结和思考,以期为船厂、船东以及试航的相关人员提供参考。  相似文献   
概述了特种弹药铁路运输可调试定位装置的主要功能、技术要求、主要战技术指标,介绍了特种弹药铁路运输采用的从箱体顶部固定方式,并进行了相应的可调式定位装置研究,将装置分为整体固定和单点独立固定两种,用于固定弹箱在敞车内的位置,确保弹体运输安全。  相似文献   
绿色交通系统对改善城市交通拥堵,减少交通能耗、环境污染,提高城市的宜居性等方面有着积极的推动作用。文章从城市规划和土地利用开发、交通需求管理、交通基础设施建设等方面阐述了城市绿色交通的建设与发展策略,为发展、建设城市绿色交通提供思路。  相似文献   
Three weather sensitive models are used to explore the relationship between weather and home-based work trips within the City of Toronto, focusing on active modes of transportation. The data are restricted to non-captive commuters who have the option of selecting among five basic modes of auto driver, auto passenger, transit, bike and walk. Daily trip rates in various weather conditions are assessed. Overall, the results confirm that impact of weather on active modes of transportation is significant enough to deserve attention at the research, data collection and planning levels.  相似文献   
Carsharing is an innovative travel alternative that has recently experienced considerable growth and become part of sustainable transportation initiatives. Although carsharing is becoming increasingly a popular alternative transportation mode in North America, it is still an under‐researched area. Current research is aimed at better understanding of the behavior of carsharing users. For every member, a two‐stage approach microsimulates the probability of being active in any month using a binary probit model and given that a particular member is active during a month, the probability of that member using the service multiple times using a random utility‐based model. The model is estimated using empirical data from one of the largest carsharing companies in North America. The model estimates reveal that the activity persistency of members is positively linked to previous behaviors for up to 4 months, and that the influence of previous months weakens over time. It also shows that some attributes of the traveler (gender, age, and language spoken at home) impact his or her behaviors. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Hub‐and‐spoke networking is a key feature of current aviation markets in which hubs, as connecting points, function to consolidate and redistribute flows. This indicates that observation of traffic on a segment does not necessarily convey information about the origin to destination routing of passenger journeys because of the unavoidable detours in the system. This paper examines the heterogeneity of the flow composition in domestic and international US markets, which in turn allows us to observe the variation of operations across major hubs. A modified Route Flow Estimator for origin–destination synthesis (or origin–destination matrix estimation) is designed to decompose the segment traffic into itinerary‐based passenger trips. Several public and commercial databases, which are easily accessible, are exploited (and reconciled) for the model in order to (i) generate possible trip itineraries using those segment markets, and (ii) link data‐driven operational conditions with the underlying segment flows. The results are validated with US domestic trip observations and empirical knowledge related to the air transportation system. Then, the variability of the hub operations is examined based on sensitivity tests using the model parameters. From the resolution of itinerary‐based estimates, we observe that major airports' hub operations are spatially uneven, particularly with respect to domestic and international connecting passengers. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In this work we propose a mechanism to optimize the capacity of the main corridor within a railway network with a radial-backbone or X-tree structure. The radial-backbone (or X-tree) structure is composed of two types of lines: the primary lines that travel exclusively on the common backbone (main corridor) and radial lines which, starting from the common backbone, branch out to individual locations. We define possible line configurations as binary strings and propose operators on them for their analysis, yielding an effective algorithm for generating an optimal design and train frequencies. We test our algorithm on real data for the high speed line Madrid–Seville. A frequency plan consistent with the optimal capacity is then proposed in order to eliminate the number of transfers between lines as well as to minimize the network fleet size, determining the minimum number of vehicles needed to serve all travel demand at maximum occupancy.  相似文献   
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